At Datrics, we are driven by a vision to democratize analytics and make data science accessible to everyone. Our journey began with the realization that businesses of all sizes face challenges in harnessing the power of data. Our platform offers a drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the creation of data pipelines, enabling users to focus on insights and decision-making rather than coding.

With a commitment to innovation and customer success, we empower users to seamlessly integrate AI and machine learning into their operations, fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making.

Our team comprises industry veterans and innovators with a shared passion for data science. Together, we blend expertise in AI, machine learning, software development, and business strategy, striving to empower organizations through accessible data analytics.

Our team

Anton Vaisburd

CEO and co-founder

Former-Data Science Manager and Consultant, Former-Barclays IB analytics, built 30+ FTEs data science consulting team in SoftServe (10k FTEs). Co-founder of Fizmatik (olympiad mathematics for children), 3000+ monthly visitors.

Kirill Kirikov

CTO and co-founder

Principal Architect, 14+ years dev experience, managing team (up to 30 specialists), released more than 100 apps. Ex-CTO and Co-founder of R&D studio 4irelabs.

Volodymyr Sofinskyi

Chief Data Scientist and co-founder

Data science and advanced analytics expert, including engagements with top tier investment banks. Research areas are Predictive Analytics, Deep Learning and Recommender Systems.

Alina Pendeshchuk

Business Development Lead

Business Development professional with 4+ years of developing pre-sales & sales processes with B2B clients in the United States and Europe. Has experience of managing demand generation team for a unicorn.

Tetyana Gladkyh

Principal Data Scientist

Principal Data Scientist with a Ph.D. degree in Computer science. She has 18 years of academic and more than 8 years of industrial experience, she is an author of more than 40 scientific publications in the fields of Electronic circuit simulation and Applied problems of Artificial Intelligence.

Vladislava Potapova

Lead Data Scientist

Data Scientist with academic background in Economics and 2+ years of experience in applying Machine Learning in retail and marketing domains. Interested in Predictive Modeling and Recommender Systems.

Roman Malkevych

Full Stack Developer

Lead Full Stack Developer with 6+ years in creating web applications. Experienced with such technologies as Express.js, Django, Vue.js, React.js, SCSS, GraphQL, Docker.

Yuliia Vovk

Backend Engineer

Backend Engineer with 6+ years of dev experience and master's degree in computer science. Has strong data engineering and big data expertise, cloud, devops skills.

Ivan Hryshko

Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer with over 2 years of experience in creating web applications. Proficient in technologies like Express.js and Vue.js. Holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Radio Engineering. Winner of the 2020 NASA Space Apps Challenge.

Kseniia Kirikova


Graphic designer with 7+ years in creating user-friendly UX/UI creative brand identity and all types of digital design for different devices. Ksenia has a degree in graphic design and strong understating of usability.

E​vgeniy​​a​​ S​​hevc​​huk

Data Analyst

Data Analyst with education in Economic cybernetics who is not afraid of challenging business tasks and tries to find solutions based both on expertise in domain knowledge and machine learning algorithms.

Denys Savenkov

Machine Learning Engineer

Machine Learning Engineer with knowledge and vast interest in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine and Deep Learning.

Yehor Panchenko

Machine Learning Engineer

2+ years at R&D centers. Focus on the implementation of SOTA techniques to boost businesses.

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