Your Next-Gen
AI-Driven Data Intelligence Platform

Use your data like never before! With our easy-to-use analytics and ML-automation tool, you can prepare, chat & play with your data with just a few clicks.

Gain insights and build analytical applications effortlessly all without coding.

Market your solution 2x faster | Datrics for Financial Services

Get your Q’s answered
2-5X faster

Deploy ML-models in minutes | Datrics for Financial Services

Chat away
with your data

Be sure that it's 100% privacy compliant| Datrics for Financial Services

Totally secure,
no worries!

Be sure that it's 100% privacy compliant| Datrics for Financial Services

Coding power
with no-code

Be sure that it's 100% privacy compliant| Datrics for Financial Services

Embrase GenAI

Boost Your Analytics, Grow Your Business

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Power up your insights

Quickly spot new growth opportunities with our no-code data mining tools and AI's smart touch.

Reduce Dependence on Data Teams

Drag and drop all of your analytics and ML models, cutting down data scientist involvement by 70%.

Scale Your Impact with AI

Make smarter decisions with our no-code predictive modeling. Turn complex data into clear, impactful insights for business success.

Automate data routine

Slash time spent on routine data prep. Create a single source of truth with repeatable data workflows in one click.

Maintain data privacy and security

Keep your data and models under your control, seamlessly integrating our platform into your existing setup.

Spreadsheet Magic

Overcome the limits of traditional spreadsheets, automate and scale your operations with ease. 

Boost Your Analytics, Grow Your Business

Power up your insights

Discover business opportunities swiftly through the power of no-code data mining, intuitive exploratory analysis, and the power of AI.

Reduce Dependence on Data Teams

Leverage drag-and-drop interface for analytics and machine learning with 70% less involvement from data scientists.

Drive Impact with the Power of AI

Empower your decision-making with no-code predictive modeling. Transform complex data into impactful insights, driving business success.

Scale your Spreadsheets Analytics

Overcome the limits of traditional spreadsheets, automate and scale your operations with ease.

Automate daily routine

Reduce the time spent on the routine data preparation. Create one source of truth with repeatable data workflows in one-click.

Maintain data privacy and security

Stay in control of your data and models, integrate the platform into your existing infrastructure.

Book Your Demo Call

Boost Your Analytics, Grow Your Business

Power up your insights
Quickly spot new growth opportunities with our no-code data mining tools and AI's smart touch

Automate data routine
Slash time spent on routine data prep. Create a single source of truth with repeatable data workflows in one click.

Reduce Dependence on Data Teams
Drag and drop all of your analytics and ML models, cutting down data scientist involvement by 70%.

Maintain data privacy and security
Keep your data and models under your control, seamlessly integrating our platform into your existing setup.

Scale Your Impact with AI
Make smarter decisions with no-code predictive modeling. Turn complex data into clear, impactful insights for business success.

Spreadsheet Magic
Overcome the limits of traditional spreadsheets, automate and scale your operations with ease.

Book a Demo

Insights for everybody with the conversational chat interface

Dive into data, grab insights, and share dashboards easily. Our intuitive, chat-style interface puts data access at your fingertips.Your Data Journey, Simplified: 
1. Connect your data
2. Clean automatically
3. Ask questionsBuild reports

Check out the demo

Automate Your Data Routine

Streamline your reporting process by transforming time-consuming manual tasks into an automated AI-powered reporting system.

Automate and deploy ETL and ML routines in a few clicks without Data Engineers or DevOps.

Execute Machine Learning in minutes 

Train ML models with no code and create predictions and forecasts. Add predictions to your reports or connect via API.

Choose our ready-to-go AutoML models for quick predictions or flex your muscles with advanced settings and custom models.

Automate Your Data Management

Turn manual reporting into a slick AI-driven reporting system. Enjoy top-notch data preparation, set up efficient ETL pipelines in a snap & enjoy a solid, single source of truth.

Revolutionize your report-making and visualization for better results.

Book a Demo

Effortless Data Analysis and Reporting

Market your solution 2x faster | Datrics for Financial Services


Upload spreadsheets, connect datasources

Deploy ML-models in minutes | Datrics for Financial Services


Join, clean and transform data with a drag-n-drop UI

Be sure that it's 100% privacy compliant| Datrics for Financial Services


Dig deeper to convert data into business insight

Be sure that it's 100% privacy compliant| Datrics for Financial Services


Create simple reports, forecasts, and repeatable workflows

Empower Data Teams to Act with SuperPower

All-in-one platform: from data collection to ML and Visualization | Datrics for Financial Services

All-in-one platform: from data collection to ML and Visualization

Seamless integration with your existing tech stack | Datrics for Financial Services

Seamless integration with your existing tech stack

100% Secure: data stays within your infrastructure | Datrics for Financial Services

100% Secure: data stays within your infrastructure

AutoML and solution templates | Datrics for Financial Services

AutoML and solution templates

Quick ETL and ML-models deployment | Datrics for Financial Services

Quick ETL and ML-models deployment

No Data Engineers or DevOps required | Datrics for Financial Services

No Data Engineers or DevOps required

No code data transformation & ML | Datrics for Financial Services

No code data transformation & ML

Book a Demo

Datrics - ROI on Your AI Investment

Data and AI experiments with the same team and resources leveraging no-code interface

2x more experiments

Faster feedback loops

Rapidly iterate and refine data queries, getting immediate, actionable insights.

Reduce cost

Schedule or get an API for ETL and ML routines without a dedicated MLOps or Data Engineer

Book a Demo
Datrics no-code analytics platform clients | RevolutDatrics no-code analytics platform clients | NEAR foundationDatrics no-code analytics platform clients | YANDADatrics no-code analytics platform clients | RefFinanceDatrics no-code analytics platform clients | FingoAfricaDatrics no-code analytics platform clients | TBI bankDatrics no-code analytics platform clients | TBI bankDatrics no-code analytics platform clients | TBI bankDatrics no-code analytics platform clients | TBI bankDatrics no-code analytics platform clients | TBI bank

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